
“Dawn has greatly changed my perspective and awareness of how my accountant brain works. If stress or worry is getting in the way of the life you want, I HIGHLY recommend working with Dawn.”

Daniel, CPA

“I am so glad I found your program. I was seriously considering to take a break from my career unable to manage work and family and was feeling stressed and overwhelmed all the time. But once I was taught about The Model, I am already noticing some changes in my life and feel like I have a powerful tool I can use in any situation. I am so grateful to you and am very excited to do the Smarter Accountant Time Management Program and get control of my time too :)”

Meghana, CPA

“It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with Dawn and I look forward to an ongoing relationship. Working with her has been an awesome opportunity and I’m excited to continue implementing all the “tools” she has provided me! 

What I’ve learned in our sessions has helped make me aware of my thoughts to better control my mind and time. It is definitely a work in progress, but each day and week I get closer to obtaining my goals. Thank you so much!

Cristina, CPA

Dawn’s coaching has helped me in multiple aspects of my life. Not just professionally, but personally and in my hobbies as well. Her coaching has helped me be kind to my current and future self, not sweat the small stuff, and understand that circumstance doesn’t create an emotion. 

I highly recommend anyone that wants to get control of not only their calendar but their emotions as well to schedule some coaching with Dawn!”

Jason, CPA

This work we did has been life changing for me. By implementing the things I’ve learned from Dawn, I’ll never not implement them again.

Things like the scheduling, the time management, and realizing that there are possibilities for different ways to handle everything, has been powerful. I’m much more open to the fact that I can make some changes and that they won’t be so painful.

Every week I’ve learned something I can implement in so many areas of my life; that can contribute to my happiness.

My goal with working with Dawn was less stress and I got the tools I needed to achieve that. I see much more possibilities now for my business and my life.

Nina, CPA

One of my biggest issues was balancing my work and personal life; not being able to get enough work done. I felt like I was always behind and that I wasn’t able to be as productive as I could be.

This work that we’ve done has been a life saver. As I learned Dawn’s tools, I was able to get the results I wanted much quicker. I was also able to much more effectively manage my time.

My productivity has improved and I feel so much better about the balance I’ve been able to create, even during Tax Season.

Dawn’s program has shown me how to handle those normal interruptions that happen as a working mom and how to better manage it all.

Brindhaa, Accountant

Working with Dawn was like having a sherpa to guide me up a mountain. She helped me to get clear about what I wanted and then how to have it. I fully gave myself permission to want more.

Allison, VP Finance

“I was skeptical when signing up, however, I can say… this was one of the BEST investments I made! Learning how to manage my mind was pivotal to completing more tasks and honoring my commitments that I made to myself via my calendar. I truly believe this program has reduced my stress and has equipped me with the tools to manage my time better.”

Amber, CPA

“Before I took the Smarter Accountant program, I felt like I was trapped in a cage. I didn’t know how to get out of it. I tried but I wasn’t fully successful. I was working a lot, stressed out, lacked self-confidence and I felt like I was a victim of circumstances.

I read your book and also listen to your podcast, which are both helpful, but the coaching program was phenomenal. I was able to ask specific questions about The Model and issues I was facing.

There is also an accountability aspect which is crucial for my change. During the first few sessions, I immediately realized that I put myself in that cage; that I chose to feel like a victim.

I am now empowered and liberated because I got my power back. I am free now because I know how to manage my brain.”

Faye, CPA

The Smarter Accountant program has been a game changer for me, both professionally and personally. Although I am still in the early days of applying these principles, I can already see the impact in my more intentional thoughts and lowered stress level. I can’t wait to see where my work together with Dawn takes me next!

Julie, CPA

Dawn, you don’t teach, you guide and lead us accountants. I feel like a teacher is someone you have for a duration, but the beauty of your program is you are still present in my life.

Through your support, introduction to The Model, and helping me to incorporate the newfound way of thinking, my life in all aspects has been transformed.

I am so much more confident in my abilities and my output. 

You are the guiding light that all accountants should turn to.”

Laura, CPA

“Working with Dawn has been great! I’m much more aware of my thoughts now and how powerful they are. I would recommend working with Dawn to anyone looking to get more control of their time, productivity, and relationships!”

Logan, CPA

“I was feeling tired, stuck, and desperate for change when I decided to take The Smarter Accountant Program and The Time Management Program with Dawn. In just a few sessions I learned how to manage my brain and my time better using The Model, a tool to show me how my thoughts impact my results.

I really started to see big changes in my life, including completion of several projects that had been dragging out for months, better health, and an exciting job change. I love Dawn’s approach – she taught me that being kind to myself in my thoughts and actions yields much more than my old way of trying to force results by pushing too hard and ignoring my basic needs.

She is impressive and relatable. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to work with her!”

Melissa, CPA

“Working with Dawn has been extraordinary! In an early session, Dawn helped me see how my unintentional thoughts about my clients were guiding my actions.

She explained how to use The Model to transition from these unintentional thoughts to more useful intentional thoughts to achieve the results I wanted. Until she pointed this out in a specific example, I had not really understood The Model as I do now. 

This small change in my thinking has had a truly profound effect on how I approach my clients, my daily business and even my personal relationships. I am so grateful that I learned this very effective tool.  I only wish I would’ve learned it sooner.”

Priscilla, CPA