Unlocking The Hidden Truths Of Time Management

Today, we’re going to talk about one of my favorite topics: time management. It’s one of those topics that is essential to being a successful accountant, but unfortunately, no one is teaching it correctly.  

Let’s start with a few questions: have you ever felt like you’re racing against the clock? Like you’re trying to do a million things, but there just isn’t enough time? It happens to most of us 

Think about the last time you had a loooong list of things to do. Did you ever wonder why it felt so overwhelming even before you got started? Is there more to it than just having lots of things to do?

Sometimes, we try to make everything absolutely perfect, spending tons of time on tiny details. Or on the other hand, we might procrastinate and then beat ourselves up afterwards.  Do any of those sound familiar?

And how about this: your schedule is jam-packed with things to do, but you still can’t get it all done in a day. Ever felt that way?

Well, guess what? There are three tricky things hiding behind these problems that mess with our time management. They’re like sneaky little troublemakers!

I’ve been teaching accountants better time management for years, and I’ve noticed these problems coming up again and again. They’re like secret challenges that mess with our schedules and make us feel stressed and overwhelmed.

But don’t worry! In this episode, I’m going to shine a light on these hidden issues, look at them closely, and I’ll give you some tips and tricks to beat them. Whether you’re an accountant working for a company or even starting your own business, I’ve got some great tips for you.

I want you to know these secret truths about time management because once you do, you’ll feel like you have superpowers over your time management. No more feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day or being buried under a never-ending to-do list.

So, if you’ve ever felt like there aren’t enough hours in the day or found yourself overwhelmed by an endless to-do list, you’re in the right place. 

Hidden Truth #1 – The Power of Simplification

Let’s begin by acknowledging a universal fact—we all have too much to do and not enough time. It’s a reality of our lives in this fast-paced, information-packed era. But the real question is, how do we respond to this fact?

Picture this scenario: your to-do list seems never-ending, your calendar is overflowing, and you’re constantly feeling the pressure of time. It’s a common experience for us accountants. 

But here’s where it gets interesting. If it’s indeed true that we have more to do than time allows, what will you do about it? Will you, as author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss suggests, ‘ruthlessly eliminate the extraneous’?

Here’s the thing – simplifying your life, your tasks, and your commitments can be an incredibly liberating and effective way to regain control of your time. The key is focusing on the essential, refining your priorities, and making simplification a daily practice.

Think about it this way—everything naturally tends towards chaos and disorder, including our schedules. If we don’t actively work to simplify and prioritize, we’re bound to be overwhelmed by the chaos of life’s demands.

The truth is that simplification isn’t just about decluttering physical spaces; it’s about decluttering our schedules, our minds, and our priorities. When we commit to this process, we free up precious time and mental bandwidth.

Consider this scenario: your to-do list is so packed that you feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Emails, meetings, projects, and personal commitments all seem to be piling up, leaving you overwhelmed and perpetually racing against the clock. 

If this resonates with you, you’re not alone; many of us experience this daily grind.

But here’s the catch – it’s not about how much you have to do; it’s about how you handle it. It’s about your willingness to simplify your approach. Let’s delve into this further with a couple of relatable examples:

One of my clients was dealing with back-to-back meetings, endless emails, and a never-ending to-do list. She used to think she needed to do it all, which led to exhaustion and burnout. 

As we worked together she decided to take a step back and eliminate non-essential meetings and tasks. By doing so, she created pockets of uninterrupted time for focused work and personal well-being.

Another client worked from home and his workspace was cluttered with papers, old gadgets, and unnecessary knick-knacks. This clutter not only disrupted his concentration but also added stress to his workday. 

As we worked together he decided to declutter his workspace, keeping only what was essential for his daily tasks. The result? A clean, organized workspace that boosted his productivity and reduced stress.

These examples illustrate that simplification isn’t just a lofty idea; it’s a practical approach that can transform the way we manage our time. By ruthlessly eliminating the extraneous – whether it’s unnecessary meetings, clutter in our physical spaces, or commitments that don’t align with our goals – we can regain control over our time and mental clarity.

Think of simplification as a constant companion in your time management journey. It’s about consciously choosing what truly matters and making room for it in your life. Remember, it’s not about doing less; it’s about doing more of what matters most.

Now, let’s explore some practical tips on how to start simplifying your life today. One of the first steps is to perform a comprehensive audit of your commitments and tasks. Ask yourself, ‘What can I eliminate? What can I delegate? What truly aligns with my goals and values?’ This exercise alone can help you reclaim significant time and energy.

Other tips include decluttering your space by going through your home or office and getting rid of things you no longer need or use. A clutter-free environment can lead to a clearer mind.

Another suggestion is doing a digital detox.  Here you’re going to want to delete unused apps, organize your emails, and unsubscribe from newsletters you no longer read. A tidy digital space can reduce distractions.

The next suggestion is learning how to effectively prioritize tasks.  My time management clients learn an incredibly effective tool called the Decision Matrix that helps you organize and prioritize everything you have to get done based on the ease and impact of the task.  It creates momentum and streamlines your productivity.

The last tip is time blocking, but not in the traditional way.  Most of us know how to schedule things in blocks of time on our calendar, but it’s our ability to follow through no matter what that makes all the difference.  My time management clients learn my uniquely effective Container Calendaring process which teaches you how to get more done in less time.

It teaches exactly how to handle those moments when you do not want to do what was scheduled or you’re already feeling overwhelmed before you even get started.  

Remember, simplification isn’t a one-time event—it’s an ongoing process. It’s about setting boundaries, learning to say ‘no’ when necessary, and focusing on the few things that bring the most value to your life.

Hidden Truth #2 – Managing Perfectionism

In many professions, especially accounting, a certain level of precision is essential. As accountants, we are trained to spot even the tiniest discrepancies, ensuring financial accuracy.

However, this meticulous attention to detail can sometimes evolve into unmanaged perfectionism, which can significantly affect our time management.

On the one hand, our brain is wired to seek perfection and precision, traits that make us exceptional at our jobs. On the other hand, this dedication to perfection can have unintended consequences.

For example, I worked with a coaching client who was an audit manager in a mid-sized firm.  Her keen eye for detail was her greatest strength. 

However, this strength often turned into unmanaged perfectionism. She frequently found herself poring over spreadsheets, double-checking every entry, and spending hours ensuring that every number aligned flawlessly. 

While her dedication to accuracy was commendable, it came at a cost. Her meticulousness often led to extended working hours and constant stress, leaving her with less time for other essential tasks.

Another example is a small firm owner I coached.  He was a tax consultant with a reputation for impeccable work. 

His clients trusted their financial well-being to him because of his attention to detail. However, this commitment to perfection led to unmanaged perfectionism.

During the tax season, he meticulously reviewed every line of his clients’ tax returns, ensuring not a single deduction was missed. He often worked late into the night, triple-checking calculations and cross-referencing tax codes. 

While his clients appreciate his dedication, he often found himself mentally exhausted, with little time left for anything else in his life. His pursuit of tax perfection made him feel like he’s constantly racing against the clock, causing unnecessary stress, impacting his overall well-being, and affecting his personal relationships.

While precision is crucial in tax consulting, finding a balance between delivering exceptional service and managing time effectively becomes paramount.

So whether you find yourself spending excessive time reviewing spreadsheets, double-checking numbers, or obsessing over calculations, the drive for perfection can become a problem if it compels you to go beyond the necessary, leading to overworking.  This loop of perfectionism can consume valuable time, leaving you with less capacity for other things.

The interesting thing is that, on the one hand, when unchecked, perfectionism can lead to overpreparation, overwork, and an obsession with flawless outcomes. On the other hand, repressive perfectionism can result in procrastination, as the fear of not meeting impossibly high standards can paralyze you.

So, how can we manage perfectionism, particularly in a profession like accounting where perfectionism is often rewarded?  Here are some suggestions:

Set Clear Standards: Redefine what ‘good enough’ means for different tasks. In accounting, some reconciliations may require near-perfection, while others can meet a ‘good enough’ standard without compromising accuracy.  As I share with my coaching clients, know when B+ work is enough.

Prioritize and Delegate: Identify tasks where perfection is necessary and prioritize them. For others, consider whether they can be delegated or completed to a ‘good enough’ standard without compromising quality.

Challenge Negative Thoughts: Become aware of and change your negative thoughts associated with perfectionism. Remind yourself that perfection is unattainable and that striving for excellence is different from seeking perfection.

Self-Compassion: Cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance. Understand that mistakes are part of growth and learning, and they don’t diminish your worth or competence.

Remember that perfectionism can be managed, and doing so can free up valuable time and reduce stress, allowing for more effective time management.

Hidden Truth #3 – Embracing Realistic Time Management

Picture this scenario: you have a mental list of all the tasks you want to accomplish, from work assignments to personal projects, household chores, and social commitments. You believe you can conquer it all, but time seems to slip away faster than you’d ever imagined. 

Unfortunately, this is a common experience, and it often stems from living in a perpetual state of fantasy, believing that everything you want and need to get done is humanly possible within your available time.

Living without an awareness of reality is a scenario where you continually overcommit without acknowledging the practical limitations of time. You add one more client, one more project, and one more report, hoping that somehow, you’ll find the time to complete it all. 

The issue is that this often leads to an unrealistic workload, missed deadlines, and the sacrifice of personal and family time.  I see this time and time again with my coaching clients.  

For example, one of my clients was a Tax Manager.  During the tax season, he described his office like a bee’s hive, with a never-ending buzz of activity. 

He took on any and all new clients, confident in his ability to provide meticulous service. However, as the filing deadline approached, his work hours stretched late into the night, and his weekends were consumed by paperwork. 

He believed he could handle it all, often to the detriment of his well-being.  He also lost some key employees because of his inability to see the big picture.

Another example was a client who was a forensic accountant with an ever-growing client list.  She was known for her thorough investigations and reports. 

However, she had a habit of consistently overbooking herself. Her calendar became a puzzle of overlapping appointments and back-to-back meetings. 

Despite her determination to accommodate everyone, she often found herself rushing through important tasks, compromising the quality of her work.

The truth is that living without awareness of reality in the accounting profession can result in a constant battle against unattainable goals. It leads to stress, burnout, and a diminished ability to deliver the quality of work expected.

Thankfully, there is a solution.  It begins with recognizing that time is finite, and there’s a limit to what you can realistically accomplish. It involves things like:

Realistic Scheduling: Take a step back and assess the practicality of your commitments. Be honest about how much time each task or project genuinely requires. Prioritize your most critical tasks and consider delegating or declining less essential ones.

Effective Time Management: As I tell accountants, there’s time management and then there’s effective time management.  You have to learn more effective time management skills to allocate dedicated periods for focused work. This can help you regain control over your schedule.

Tracking Your Time: When I work with my time management clients, I suggest doing a time audit.  That involves keeping a time log for a week or two to understand how you’re currently allocating your time. This can help you identify areas where you might be overcommitting.

Learning to Say ‘No’: Recognize the importance of setting boundaries and saying ‘no’ when your plate is already full. This allows you to protect your time and maintain your well-being.

By living in alignment with reality and understanding your limits, you’ll be better equipped to manage your time effectively and make choices that lead to more realistic and achievable goals. Remember, time is a finite resource, and the key to mastering it lies in being aware of the reality of how you allocate and commit to it.

The Smarter Accountant Way: Managing Your Brain For Better Time Management

Here’s the #1 thing that no one is teaching accountants about time management – before we can truly master our time, we must first master our minds. A managed mind makes it possible to feel less stressed and overwhelmed, to overcome procrastination, to not overcommit, to be more focused and productive, and to get more done in less time.

At its core, The Smarter Accountant Way recognizes that managing your brain is the cornerstone to better time management. It serves as the foundation upon which the other hidden truths we’ve discussed become not only attainable but also sustainable. 

Here’s why:Imagine you have a meticulously organized schedule, realistic commitments, and a clear understanding of time constraints. However, your day is continually hijacked by distractions, procrastination, and a persistent inner critic. This is where brain management comes into play.

Managing your brain first makes better time management possible because of the following:

Improved Focus: By learning how to effectively manage your brain it improves your ability to stay present and focused during work hours. Brain management makes it possible to get more done in less time and reduces the impact of distractions.

Emotional Intelligence: Developing emotional intelligence is crucial for managing stress and navigating challenging situations effectively. The truth is that every accountant can benefit from understanding and regulating their emotions, which can lead to improved decision-making and more effective time management.

Overcoming Procrastination: Procrastination is a common challenge for everyone, but even more so for accountants. By addressing the root causes of procrastination, such as fear of failure or perfectionism, you can learn to tackle tasks more efficiently.

Building Resilience: As we all know, the accounting profession often comes with high-pressure scenarios. Building mental resilience equips us to handle stress and setbacks gracefully, preventing these challenges from derailing our time management efforts.

Self-Compassion: As accountants, we can often be our own harshest critics. Practicing self-compassion helps in mitigating the negative impact of self-criticism and fosters a more positive and productive mindset.

By incorporating brain management practices into your daily routines, you can unlock your full potential for effective time management. ‘The Smarter Accountant Way’ recognizes that it’s not just about managing time but also about managing the thoughts and emotions that shape our relationship with time.

This approach empowers you to navigate the intricacies of our profession while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It fosters a mindset that is adaptable, resilient, and conducive to excellence in both work and life.

Just know that The Smarter Accountant Way places you in the driver’s seat of your time management journey, offering the tools and insights you need to thrive in a dynamic and demanding field like accounting.

If you are struggling with any aspect of being an accountant or time management, you can simply go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com/calendar and book a free session with me.

I’ll explain The Smarter Accountant 6-week Program and how you can apply it to whatever you’re struggling with.

That’s what I have for you, but make sure you check back each week as I help you go from being a stressed accountant to a Smarter Accountant.

Make sure you go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com and take The Smarter Accountant Quiz. You’re going to want to know if you’ve been underutilizing your accountant brain so that you have a starting point for becoming a Smarter Accountant..

Also, I would appreciate it if you could get the word out to other accountants about this podcast.  The more accountants find out about it, the more we can begin to change the narrative in the accounting profession.

The truth is that you’re already smart, but this podcast will show you how to be smarter.

The Pros and Cons of Healthy Skepticism

Let’s talk about the pros and cons of healthy skepticism when you’re an accountant. I believe this topic is important because skepticism can be tricky.    .

To start off, consider the following questions:

Have you ever been in a situation where being a bit skeptical was helpful, but at the same time, it made you hesitate to try new things?

Does skepticism sometimes help your career, but also slow it down?

Can you recall times when being skeptical was good, but it also caused challenges when you wanted to grow and come up with new ideas?

The reason I wanted to discuss this topic is because I recently had a coaching consultation call with an accountant who was working between 60 to 80 hours a week. When I asked how many hours they’d prefer to work, they laughed and said they didn’t even know because they thought working less wasn’t possible. 

This accountant said, “I just have a healthy skepticism. I can’t see how you could teach me to work less and still get everything done.”

I explained that it’s normal to doubt change at first. But I also asked them, “What’s the upside of sticking to the belief that it’s not possible to work less and still get everything done?” They paused and admitted that there was no upside, but that their skepticism made them question everything.

Believe me, I completely understand their hesitation because I have conversations like this with accountants all the time. That’s why I want to explore this paradox: how skepticism affects our growth.

The interesting thing about skepticism is that it can often be like a reliable compass for accountants. It helps us find hidden problems and keep financial records accurate. The issue is that too much skepticism can actually hold us back from trying new things and growing.

In this episode, I’m going to unravel how skepticism and growth are connected. We’ll see how skepticism can affect our decision-making and sometimes slow us down. 

But I’ll also show you how to use skepticism wisely as a guide and a way to spark new ideas, all while avoiding the trap of too much doubt.

Understanding healthy skepticism

Like the accountant I spoke to, we often say we have “healthy skepticism”, but what does that even mean?  I look at healthy skepticism as being like a detective in a mystery novel, asking questions and having doubts when needed, just like Sherlock Holmes. 

In accounting, it can help us find mistakes, discover hidden financial facts, and keep financial information accurate.

You can also think of it like having a toolbox. In this toolbox, you have a trusty hammer, which is your skepticism. 

This hammer is great for solving problems (like driving in nails) and finding errors (like pulling out nails). But, if you use the hammer all the time, even when there are no nails (meaning you doubt everything), it can cause more problems than solutions.

So, why is understanding healthy skepticism important? Well, on one side, skepticism helps us find the truth and keep our data accurate. But on the other side, it’s equally important to know when to put the hammer down and realize that not every situation needs skepticism.

The belief that skepticism always reveals truth

Let’s talk about a tricky part of skepticism: believing it always finds the truth.

Using the analogy of the detective, imagine skepticism as a detective’s magnifying glass. A detective uses that magnifying glass to look at every tiny detail, no matter how small, to solve their case. 

However, in our world of accounting, sometimes skepticism makes us think that every tiny detail, even the really small stuff, has a big secret hidden in it.  We’re trained to be problem solvers, but unfortunately, that leads us to assume there are more problems than there actually are.

Here’s another issue – while it’s good to be careful and thorough, sometimes too much skepticism slows us down. It’s like going to a magic show and trying to figure out how every trick works. 

You’re probably not going to enjoy the show because you’re too busy trying to figure out every hidden secret.  It’s the same with skepticism – if you doubt everything, even when things are simple, you miss the magic.

It can also affect how well you work with others. Imagine if you had a friend who questioned everything you said, even when you were telling the truth. That kind of skepticism can make it hard to work together or hard to be friends.

So, while skepticism is useful, it can also be a problem when you always think it finds hidden truths. It’s important to know when to use skepticism and when to trust that things aren’t as complicated as they seem.

For example, remember the accountant I talked to? They were skeptical about working fewer hours because everyone they knew worked long hours. 

Their skepticism made them think it was impossible to work less and still get things done. But that skepticism held them back from exploring new ways of doing things and from me teaching them a better, more effective way to manage their time so that they could work less..

On the other hand, some of my coaching clients were skeptical at first too. But here’s the difference – they knew that what they were doing wasn’t working, so they were willing to push past their doubts and try something new. 

They were able to push themselves out of the comfort zone that their skepticism offered and to have game-changing results.  They learned how to eliminate stress and overwhelm, how to improve their productivity, how to improve their relationships, how to deal with imposter syndrome, and more.

So, while skepticism can be valuable at times, it’s also important to know when to trust and try new things.

The brain’s role in skepticism

Now let’s talk about how our brains are connected to skepticism. 

The truth is that our brains play a significant role in shaping our skeptical tendencies.

Think of our brain as a highly advanced computer. It processes information, makes decisions, and stores our beliefs and biases. In the world of skepticism, our brain’s processes can either be our greatest asset or our biggest liability.

Research in neuroscience has shown that our brains are wired to take shortcuts when making decisions. These shortcuts, known as cognitive biases, can lead us in the wrong direction. For example, confirmation bias, where we often look for information that agrees with what we already believe, can cloud our judgment.

Now, here’s where skepticism comes into play. It acts as a sort of mental filter, helping us question those biases. 

It’s like having an inner skeptic saying, “Hold on a minute, let’s examine this from all angles.” This is a valuable function of skepticism—it helps us break free from cognitive biases and see the bigger picture.

Imagine you’re looking at a magic trick and your brain immediately jumps to a conclusion about how it’s done. Your skepticism steps in and says, “Wait, there might be more to this than meets the eye.” It encourages you to dig deeper, question assumptions, and seek the truth.

But here’s the catch: our brains are also wired for efficiency. It likes to conserve energy which means that if we lean too heavily on skepticism, we might fall into the trap of overanalyzing or doubting everything, which can become mentally exhausting and counterproductive.

The important thing is to find a balance between skepticism and trusting our brains. It’s like knowing when to question things and when to believe in ourselves.

The cons of skepticism

While healthy skepticism is undoubtedly a powerful tool in the world of accounting, it’s essential to recognize that, like any tool, it can have drawbacks. Let’s take a look at the potential downsides of being overly skeptical and how it can sometimes hinder progress and innovation.

Think about an accountant who is overly suspicious when looking at financial reports. They may spend excessive time scrutinizing every detail, doubting the accuracy of even the most straightforward transactions. 

While this level of scrutiny may uncover errors, it can also lead to delays in financial reporting and decision-making. At the end of the day it’s really all about finding balance.

Interestingly, there is a phenomenon known as “audit fatigue” or “skepticism fatigue.” This occurs when auditors or accountants become overly skeptical and constantly question the integrity of every transaction or piece of information they encounter. 

This heightened skepticism can lead to fatigue, decreased effectiveness, and a higher likelihood of missing important red flags.

In the field of auditing and forensic accounting, auditors are encouraged to strike a balance between skepticism and professional judgment. We need to be vigilant in identifying potential fraud indicators but also avoid becoming so skeptical that we become ineffective in our roles.

Another issue is that skepticism can create an atmosphere of mistrust within an organization. When colleagues and superiors feel that their work is constantly under scrutiny, it can stifle collaboration. 

Teams may become reluctant to propose solutions or share their ideas for fear of being met with skepticism.

A study conducted by Gallup found that workplaces with a culture of excessive skepticism experienced lower levels of employee engagement. Employees in these environments were less likely to feel valued, motivated, or enthusiastic about their work. 

The study emphasized the importance of balancing healthy skepticism with trust to foster a more positive workplace culture.

A research paper published in the Journal of Applied Psychology explored the impact of skepticism on team dynamics. The study found that teams with a leader or member who exhibited excessive skepticism had lower levels of trust and cohesion. 

This lack of trust hindered communication and collaboration, ultimately affecting the team’s performance.

Another significant drawback of excessive skepticism is the potential for missed personal and professional growth opportunities. 

Imagine an individual who is skeptical about new career opportunities within their organization. They keep asking themselves if they’re ready for a promotion or a tougher job. 

As a result, they pass up on opportunities for career advancement, missing the chance to develop new skills, take on leadership roles, and expand their professional goals.

Or picture an individual attending a professional conference who may be overly skeptical about networking and approaching potential mentors. They worry about rejection or perceive networking as insincere.

Consequently, they miss opportunities to connect with experienced professionals who could offer guidance and open doors for personal and career growth.

Or imagine someone with an entrepreneurial spirit who may be excessively skeptical about launching their own business. They doubt whether their ideas are viable or if they have the skills required for entrepreneurship. 

This skepticism can lead to missed opportunities for personal and professional growth through the pursuit of entrepreneurship, including gaining valuable experience and learning from failures.

Ultimately, the goal should be finding the right balance between skepticism and trust. While skepticism is vital for ensuring financial accuracy and integrity, it’s equally important to recognize when it’s inhibiting our progress and growth.

Overcoming limiting beliefs

Now let’s shift the focus from the challenges of excessive skepticism to the strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs and striking a balance.  While we’ve already established that skepticism can be a valuable tool, when it becomes a hindrance, it’s time to take action and challenge some limiting beliefs..

The most important thing in overcoming limiting beliefs is to become more aware of them. This means noticing when skepticism goes from being a useful tool to something that’s stopping you from growing.

Here are some simple strategies:

Self-Reflection: Take a moment to think about how skeptical you are in different situations. Ask yourself if your skepticism has ever stopped you from taking risks that could have turned out to be opportunities.

Mindfulness: Try practicing mindfulness. This helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. It lets you see your skepticism without judging it, and makes it possible to adjust as needed.

Seek Feedback: Talk to your colleagues, mentors, or supervisors. They might have insights about when your skepticism is helpful and when it gets in your way. Their feedback can help you make changes.

Balanced Decision-Making: Aim to find a balance between skepticism and trust. Learn when to be cautious and when to have confidence in your decisions.

Risk Assessment: Instead of being skeptical about all risks, learn to tell the difference between risks that need careful thinking and those that you can handle or accept. This way, you can take informed risks that lead to growth.

Lifelong Learning: Keep seeking opportunities to learn and grow professionally. This shift in mindset can help you overcome limiting beliefs and focus on growing.

Challenging Comfort Zones: Often, growth comes when you step out of your comfort zone and take on new challenges. Be open to new experiences, roles, and responsibilities that push your abilities.

By using these strategies, you can strike a balance between skepticism and growth. It’s about knowing when skepticism helps and when it’s holding you back, so you can overcome beliefs that limit your personal and professional development.

The Smarter Accountant approach: Striking the balance

Okay, now that I’ve discussed the pros and cons of healthy skepticism, it’s time to emphasize the importance of striking the right balance while aspiring to be a Smarter Accountant. 

Being a Smarter Accountant means understanding when skepticism is helpful and when it might hold you back from growing. Imagine it as a balancing act.

On one side, you have skepticism. It’s like a watchful eye that helps catch mistakes and keeps financial data reliable. On the other side, you have personal growth – that’s your journey of learning, coming up with new ideas, and advancing your career.

To become a Smarter Accountant, you need to balance these two.

First, realize that the right level of skepticism depends on the situation. Sometimes, you need to be more skeptical, like when you’re checking financial records. Other times, it’s better to be open-minded, especially when exploring new business opportunities or personal development.

Second, base your skepticism on facts, evidence, and good reasoning. This way, your skepticism is useful and in line with making decisions based on data. Stop arguing for your limitations and be open to possibilities.

Third, think about risks and rewards carefully. Use skepticism to handle risks, but don’t be afraid to take calculated risks for your personal and professional growth.  If the net result would be positive, then be willing to step out of your comfort zone.

Fourth, keep learning. Stay up-to-date with your professional continuing education, but also place as much importance on your personal continuing education.  Be willing to adapt and grow.

Fifth, connect with experienced mentors, coaches, and work with your peers. Experienced individuals can guide you on when to be skeptical and when it might be holding you back.  Remember, your brain naturally resists change, so it’s helpful to work with someone to help you make a wanted change.

Sixth, remember that skepticism and innovation can go together. Create an environment where people can share their doubts and ideas freely.  Be willing to be wrong and give others the opportunity to share their thoughts.

Lastly, regularly check your approach to skepticism. If you notice it’s stopping you from moving forward, be ready to make changes.  If you don’t like your current results, professionally or personally, be open to seeing things differently.

By following these tips, you can balance skepticism and personal growth. Being a Smarter Accountant means using skepticism as a useful tool when needed, and embracing opportunities for growth with confidence. 

Keep in mind that when you strike the right balance, skepticism becomes a driving force for an improved career and life.  .

And since my mission is to provide accountants with new growth opportunities, if you are struggling with any aspect of being an accountant, you can simply go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com/calendar and book a free session with me.

I’ll explain The Smarter Accountant 6-week Program and how you can apply it to whatever you’re struggling with.

That’s what I have for you, but make sure you check back each week as I help you go from being a stressed accountant to a Smarter Accountant.

Make sure you go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com and take The Smarter Accountant Quiz. You’re going to want to know if you’ve been underutilizing your accountant brain so that you have a starting point for becoming a Smarter Accountant..

Also, I would appreciate it if you could get the word out to other accountants about this podcast.  The more accountants find out about it, the more we can begin to change the narrative in the accounting profession.

The truth is that you’re already smart, but this podcast will show you how to be smarter.

How To Be Happier At Work Without Quitting

Let’s talk about how to be happier at work without quitting.  I’m going to start by having you consider a few questions:

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about a happier work life while stuck in a meeting or at your desk?

Have you ever felt like you’re on the verge of quitting your job due to unhappiness?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your current job? What would it take to move that number closer to a 10 without leaving your job?

In this episode, I’m going to tackle a common question: Why do so many of us feel unhappy at work? This is especially relevant in today’s job market, with the Great Resignation changing the landscape, especially for accountants.

According to a 2017 CNN article, job dissatisfaction often stems from limited career growth, company culture, feeling underpaid, and challenging colleagues or managers. While these factors have always mattered, the Great Resignation has made us rethink job satisfaction more than ever.

But here’s the twist when it comes to finding happiness at work: It’s not just about waiting for the workplace to change; it’s about changing how we view and engage with our job.

How? In a previous episode (#14 – The Skill of Self-Coaching For Accountants), I introduced a tool called The Model. This game-changing tool teaches that our thoughts, not external factors, create our emotions and job satisfaction.

I promise that this insight can literally transform how you experience work and navigate today’s job market.

By the end of this episode, you’ll have practical strategies to not just survive but thrive in your accounting career, even during the Great Resignation. I’ll guide you on reframing your thinking, taking control of your emotions, and finding more satisfaction in your current job. 

You’ll see that you don’t need to think about quitting to find happiness elsewhere.

I want you to get ready to challenge your perspective, unlock workplace happiness, and start a more fulfilling career journey.

Common reasons for discontentment in accounting jobs

Now, let’s talk about why some of us believe we are unhappy at our jobs. Here are some common reasons:

Same Old, Same Old: In some accounting jobs, the tasks can become so repetitive that we begin to question whether this is really what we want to be doing with our careers. When I started working at Deloitte over 30 years ago, my main job was calculating the Federal and State depreciation and I did that for 2 years!  As you can imagine, it got pretty boring after awhile. 

Stress and Pressure: Think of a time when you had lots to do, and it felt like a mountain of work was piling up. That kind of stress and pressure, especially during tax season or other quarterly deadlines, can make many of us want to switch jobs or careers.  I’ve had over 30 years of tax seasons and have considered walking away and doing something else many times.

Feeling Undervalued: Have you ever done a great job but didn’t get recognized for it?  For many of us, when we feel like our hard work goes unnoticed, it can take the wind out of our sails. I’ve worked with many coaching clients who feel undervalued and underappreciated. .

Difficult People: Sometimes, it’s not the work itself but the people you work with or for. Dealing with difficult colleagues, clients, or managers can seem to make any job less enjoyable.  I’m going to be doing an entire episode soon on dealing with difficult people, so make sure you stay tuned.

Lack of Growth: Imagine you’re climbing a ladder, but it doesn’t seem to go anywhere. That’s how some of us feel when we see limited opportunities for advancement or career growth.  One of my clients did everything he could to make partner, but kept getting shot down, eventually leading him to want to walk away.

Work-Life Balance: Balancing work and personal life can be like a juggling act in the circus. Some of us feel like we’re working too much and not getting enough time for ourselves or our families. This is probably the #1 reason thing my coaching clients want to work on.  They’re drowning and need someone to give them a life raft.

The Effects Of The Pandemic: Lastly, I think after the impact of the pandemic on the accounting profession and what seemed like a two year never-ending tax season, many of us are rethinking our jobs and looking for something that makes us happier.  If there’s anything we learned the past few years is that life is too short.

So, whether you relate to any of these or you have your own reasons for your discontentment at work,  it’s important to acknowledge what’s bothering you.  It’s the first step to making things better.

But once you have the awareness of why you believe you’re unhappy at your job, it’s time to understand the role of your brain in your job dissatisfaction. 

Understanding the role of your brain in job satisfaction

Your brain plays a crucial role in determining how you feel about your job, and it’s simpler than you might think. Imagine your brain as the control center for your emotions at work.

Here’s the basic idea: Your brain uses special chemicals to create your emotions. These chemicals can make you feel happy or stressed, and they play a significant role in your job satisfaction.

Think of these chemicals as little mood managers in your brain. When your brain perceives things going well at work, it releases chemicals like serotonin and dopamine, making you feel happy and satisfied.

On the other hand, when your brain interprets work as highly stressful, it produces cortisol, which signals discomfort.

The key takeaway is that it’s your brain’s interpretation of work situations that influences your feelings, not the actual job itself. .

For example, if you have a job with repetitive tasks, face challenging work, or don’t feel appreciated, your brain may not release as many happy chemicals, leading to job dissatisfaction. But here’s the empowering part: You don’t need to quit your job to feel better about it.

The hard truth is that your job isn’t responsible for making you happy; it’s your thoughts about your job that matter. Managing your accountant brain is the secret to finding happiness at work.

Many accountants have learned this lesson the hard way, blaming different jobs or situations when it’s their brain’s interpretation that’s at the core of their dissatisfaction.

As a coach, I’ve witnessed clients transform their work outlook by learning to manage their minds and become Smarter Accountants. They realize the power they have to be happier, regardless of their work circumstances.

Remember, you take your brain with you wherever you go. Until you master managing it effectively, you risk allowing the Toddler brain to run your career and life—a scenario best avoided in your accounting journey.

Why we feel the way we feel

Ever wondered why work can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster of emotions? It all boils down to how our brains operate.

Your brain has a crucial role in overseeing your well-being. However, your lower, primitive part of your brain, that I refer to as the “Toddler,” is in charge 80 – 90% of the time and it does not find accounting work enjoyable.

It often takes considerable effort to get your Toddler brain on board with the demands of an accountant’s role. Your lower brain prefers the comfort of familiar patterns and may resist change or challenges.

What’s vital to grasp is that everything at work is essentially neutral. I mean everything. Nothing at work inherently carries meaning until your brain assigns it meaning.

For example, let’s say a colleague walks past your desk without saying a word. That’s a neutral event. But here’s where it gets interesting. Your brain doesn’t let neutral things remain neutral. It starts generating thoughts about these events.

In simpler terms, your brain attaches meaning to these neutral occurrences. For instance, if your thought is, “My colleague didn’t say hi because they don’t like me,” it might make you feel a bit sad or angry. Yet, if your thought is, “Maybe they didn’t notice me because they were busy,” you’d probably feel more accepting.

The crucial takeaway here is that everything at work—the people, the tasks, the environment—are all neutral. They don’t have the power to make you feel good or bad. It’s your thoughts, your unique accountant brain’s interpretations, that dictate how you feel.

The good news is that you can take control of your thoughts by tapping into the higher, more rational part of your brain—the part I refer to as the “Supervising Parent.” You have the ability to choose what thoughts to intentionally think about your job, your boss, and every aspect of your work.

Your job isn’t a magical happiness switch; it doesn’t automatically make you happy or unhappy. Your feelings are a direct result of what your brain is thinking.

Let me give you my own example.  Some time ago, I was dealing with a challenging financial analysis for a client. Initially, I thought, “I can’t believe I’m struggling with this. I should know better.” This thought led to frustration and stress, affecting my overall job satisfaction.

However, on another occasion with a similar challenge, my thought was, “This is complicated, but I’ve tackled similar challenges before. I’ll take it step by step.” This thought left me feeling calmer and more confident. These positive emotions not only helped me resolve the issue but also contributed to my overall job satisfaction, reinforcing my sense of competence.

In both instances, the neutral event was the same—a complex financial analysis. What made the difference were my thoughts about it and, subsequently, my emotions and job satisfaction.

Another example is with a coaching client who was working in what she described as a “toxic” work environment.  She had a difficult boss, her coworkers weren’t pulling their weight, and she found herself working more hours than she wanted to.

But once we worked together, she discovered that she could feel better about her job even with the exact same situation.  The best part is that once she didn’t make her happiness dependent on those things changing, the boss became easier to get along with, the coworkers started doing their fair share, and she set better boundaries around her work hours.

The truth is that when you blame external factors for your job satisfaction, you’re quite powerless.  But when you learn that how you feel is only ever created by your thoughts, you take your power back to feel more helpful and useful emotions,   

The more positively you view your work and yourself, the more content and fulfilled you’ll feel.  

Here’s my advice to all my coaching clients: When you understand the cause, you gain the power to change the effect.

The Smarter Accountant way: How to feel better at work

Hopefully you now understand that your thoughts play a pivotal role in how you feel at work. Now, let’s dive deeper into practical strategies that can empower you to feel better and boost your job satisfaction, regardless of external circumstances.

Feeling better at work starts with the understanding that you hold the reins to your emotions. 

Here are some actionable steps:

Self-Awareness: Identify what’s making you unhappy at work. Is it a specific task, coworker, or feeling undervalued? The more specific, the easier to address.

Thoughts and Feelings: Keep a journal to record thoughts and corresponding emotions. This helps spot recurring thought patterns.

Challenge Unhelpful Thoughts: When negative thoughts arise, ask if there’s concrete evidence to support them. Replace them with constructive, balanced, and helpful thoughts.

Gradual Thought Shift: Make incremental shifts in your thinking. Choose thoughts that feel believable and resonate with you.

Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek guidance when needed. Support is available to help you manage your thoughts and emotions effectively.

Remember, your job satisfaction isn’t passive; you have the power to shape it. 

Additional tips to create a happier work life

Clarify Your Values: Identify what truly matters in your work. Is it recognition, growth, work-life balance, or purpose?

Set Realistic Expectations: Ensure your expectations align with your job and industry’s nature. Adjust them to be more realistic.

Effective Communication: Open and honest communication can address workplace issues positively. Voice your concerns constructively, not just complain behind the scenes.

Focus on What You Can Control: Acknowledge you can’t control everything at work. Focus on your reactions, thoughts, and actions.

Pursue Growth and Learning: Invest in personal development. Consider taking my 6-week Smarter Accountant Program for fulfillment and engagement.

Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care for stress management and work-life balance. Exercise, mindfulness, boundaries, and breaks are valuable.

Explore Other Opportunities: Lastly, if despite your best efforts, your current job consistently makes you unhappy, consider exploring other career opportunities or roles that better align with your values and goals. But here’s what I tell my coaching clients – the best job to learn the skill of managing your mind is your current job.  

Remember, you’re bringing your brain with you so you want to make sure you’re not continuing to blame circumstances for how you feel.  Otherwise, you will inevitably do the same thing at the next job.  

Hopefully you now understand that your job doesn’t possess magical happiness powers. Your thoughts, actions, and choices determine your job satisfaction. 

By applying these comprehensive strategies and taking control of your emotions, you can create a more enjoyable, fulfilling, and satisfying work life.

And since my mission is to teach smart accountants how to work smarter, if you’re interested in learning how to be happier without needing to quit, you can simply go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com/calendar and book a free session with me.

I’ll explain The Smarter Accountant 6-week Program and how you can apply it to whatever you’re struggling with.

That’s what I have for you, but make sure you check back each week as I help you go from being a stressed accountant to a Smarter Accountant.

Make sure you go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com and take The Smarter Accountant Quiz. You’re going to want to know if you’ve been underutilizing your accountant brain so that you have a starting point for becoming a Smarter Accountant..

Also, I would appreciate it if you could get the word out to other accountants about this podcast.  The more accountants find out about it, the more we can begin to change the narrative in the accounting profession.

The truth is that you’re already smart, but this podcast will show you how to be smarter.

Mastering Deep Work: Boosting Productivity for Accountants

In the fast-paced world of accounting, the ability to maintain intense focus and produce high-quality work is paramount. Unfortunately, as technology and constant connectivity infiltrate our lives, the challenge to stay undistracted and deeply engaged in our tasks has become more challenging than ever.

Let me start by asking, how often do distractions, be it emails, notifications, or constant interruptions, impact your work as an accountant? Can you recall a recent instance where you lost valuable time due to these distractions? 

Imagine a workday where you accomplish more in a few focused hours than you usually do in an entire day. How would that feel? What could you achieve with that kind of productivity?

That’s where the concept of “deep work” comes into play. Coined by productivity expert Cal Newport, deep work refers to those precious, uninterrupted periods of time when we’re fully immersed in challenging tasks, fostering a level of concentration that leads to remarkable results.

In this episode, I’m going to unpack the essence of deep work, explore why it’s especially crucial for accountants, and provide you with actionable strategies to integrate deep work practices into your accounting routine. From minimizing the impact of distractions to creating effective deep work rituals and finding that delicate balance between solo focus and collaborative efforts, I’m covering it all.  

So, whether you’re a seasoned accountant looking to sharpen your skills or new to the accounting world and aiming to establish effective work habits from the start, stay tuned as I share how to master deep work and take your productivity as an accountant to new heights.

Understanding deep work

Here’s the thing about deep work – it’s not just about being busy or putting in long hours; it’s about immersing yourself in cognitively demanding tasks with a level of focus and concentration that leads to high-quality outcomes. 

Deep work is a state of flow where distractions fade away, and your mind operates at its optimal level. This kind of work enables you to produce your best work efficiently and effectively.

To fully grasp the value of deep work, it’s important to contrast it with shallow work. Shallow work involves tasks that are often logistical, repetitive, and can be accomplished while multitasking or in a state of distraction. 

These tasks might include replying to unimportant emails, attending meetings, or skimming through reports. Deep work, on the other hand, demands your full intellectual capacity and undivided attention.

As we all know, accounting is a profession that thrives on accuracy, analysis, and critical thinking. Whether you’re untangling complex financial data, conducting audits, or preparing detailed reports or tax returns, the nature of accounting tasks requires a deep level of concentration. 

This is where the power of deep work comes in. By engaging in deep work, we can enhance our ability to identify patterns, make accurate decisions, and ultimately deliver exceptional value to clients and organizations.

The truth is that when we embrace deep work, we experience several notable benefits. 

First, the quality of our work improves significantly as errors are reduced and insights become clearer. Second, the efficiency of completing tasks increases, enabling us to accomplish more in less time. 

Finally, the sense of accomplishment and mastery that comes from deep work contributes to job satisfaction and professional growth.

As we move forward in this episode, keep in mind that deep work isn’t just a concept – it’s a practice that can transform the way you approach your accounting tasks.

The impact of distractions

In our hyperconnected world, we are surrounded by distractions. From the constant barrage of emails to the allure of social media and the ever-present notifications, it’s easy to see why maintaining focused attention has become a challenge. 

Even within the accounting environment, distractions can manifest in the form of colleagues’ interruptions, phone calls, and the appeal of quick tasks that pull us away from the deeper, more demanding work.

But here’s the thing: did you know that every time you shift your attention from one task to another, you’re incurring a cognitive cost? Task-switching, or multitasking, might feel like a way to get more done, but research shows that it leads to decreased productivity, increased errors, and a shallower level of understanding. 

For accountants, these consequences can be particularly damaging, as precision and accuracy are of utmost importance.

Another issue is the diminished quality of shallow work.  The truth is that engaging in shallow work – those quick tasks that don’t demand much cognitive effort – might seem harmless, but it often comes at the expense of the quality of your deeper, more meaningful work. 

The constant back-and-forth between shallow tasks prevents you from entering the cognitive state necessary for deep work, robbing you of the opportunity to produce your best work.

Research in cognitive psychology has also shown the impact of distractions on our ability to focus and retain information. Even brief interruptions can lead to “attention residue,” where a part of our mind remains occupied with the previous task, hindering the transition to deep work.

This phenomenon is particularly relevant for us accountants who require a high degree of concentration to ensure financial accuracy and compliance.

So what’s the solution?  Recognizing the detrimental effects of distractions is the first step toward combating them. 

As accountants, it’s essential we take control of our work environment and implement strategies that minimize distractions. Now let’s discuss practical techniques that we can adopt to create an environment conducive to deep work. 

Overcoming distractions and embracing deep work

In order to overcome distractions and embrace deep work, here are a few things to put into practice:

1. Minimize digital temptations:  In a world where digital distractions are just a click away, it’s crucial to take control of your technology usage. Consider using website blockers or apps that limit your access to social media during designated deep work periods. By intentionally disconnecting from the online world, you create a focused space for concentrated thinking.

2. Establish email boundaries:  Email can be a significant source of interruptions. Set specific times to check and respond to emails, rather than allowing them to disrupt your workflow throughout the day. This approach not only reduces distractions but also sets clear expectations for colleagues or clients regarding your email response times.

3. Create a distraction-free zone:  Designate a physical space that’s free from distractions. Let your colleagues know that when you’re in this space, you’re in deep work mode. This can be as simple as using noise-canceling headphones or finding a quiet corner away from high-traffic areas.

4. Time blocking for deep work:  Embrace the concept of time blocking by scheduling specific blocks of time exclusively for deep work. Treat these time blocks as non-negotiable appointments with yourself, and protect them from meetings and other interruptions.

5. Leverage deep work rituals:  Create rituals that signal your brain it’s time to enter deep work mode is really helpful. This could be as simple as brewing a cup of tea, putting on a specific playlist, or clearing your desk of non-essential items. Rituals help you transition smoothly into the focused mindset required for deep work.

6. Communicate boundaries effectively:  Openly communicate your commitment to deep work to colleagues, clients, and superiors. Let them know that while you’re dedicated to collaboration and communication, you also recognize the value of undistracted focus for producing high-quality work.

7. Regularly evaluate and adjust:  Deep work practices aren’t set in stone. Regularly evaluate their effectiveness and adjust as needed. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for your unique working style and preferences.

By adopting these strategies and making a conscious effort to overcome distractions, you’ll be paving the way for better productivity and the ability to get more done in less time.  

Deep work and skill development

It’s also important to understand that deep work isn’t just about churning out work; it’s about deliberate practice – a concept popularized by psychologist Anders Ericsson. Deliberate practice involves pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, consistently tackling challenges that stretch your abilities. 

Engaging in deep work provides the optimal environment for this deliberate practice, allowing you to refine your skills and move closer to mastery.

You see, when you’re in a state of deep work, your cognitive abilities are heightened. Your brain can process complex information more effectively, leading to a deeper understanding of intricate accounting concepts. 

This heightened state of focus enables you to spot patterns, analyze data with precision, and make well-informed decisions that drive your work forward.

As accountants, we often encounter intricate problems that demand thorough analysis and creative solutions. Deep work nurtures your ability to engage in deep, systematic thinking. 

And since the accounting landscape is ever-evolving, with new regulations, technologies, and methodologies constantly emerging, engaging in deep work keeps you adaptable and open to learning. As you delve deeply into your work, you’ll naturally stay attuned to industry shifts and be better prepared to adapt your skills to these changes.

The truth is that as you commit to deep work and progressively enhance your skills, your work’s quality and impact will stand out. Your ability to produce valuable insights and solutions will make you a sought-after asset in the accounting realm.

You may even want to consider deep work as the foundation on which you build your accounting expertise. Just as a skilled craftsman hones their technique through dedicated practice, you can refine your accounting skills through focused, deep work sessions. 

Each engagement with deep work contributes to your growth as an accountant, making your work increasingly valuable and impactful.

Your brain’s role in making deep work possible

It’s important to understand that your brain plays a central role in deep work.  Here’s how:

Attention control: Deep work needs strong focus. Your higher brain, The Supervising Parent,  helps you focus, make decisions, and set goals. When you’re in deep work, this part of your brain works hard to keep you on track.

Brain energy: Deep work is mentally tough. Your brain gives more power to tasks it thinks are important and tricky. It puts effort into problem-solving, thinking deeply, and processing information.

Flow mode: Deep work often leads to “flow,” where you’re totally into your work. Your brain rewards you with a chemical called dopamine, which keeps you motivated and focused. It also quiets down the part that wanders and thinks about other things.

Learning and memory: Deep work helps your brain remember and learn better. It builds strong connections in your brain, helping you remember, make connections, and learn new things.

Better efficiency: Deep work makes your brain better at hard tasks. The more you practice deep work, the more skilled your brain becomes at handling complicated work. This means you can do things faster and with fewer mistakes over time.

Less brain stress: Deep work cuts down on brain stress. Distractions and doing many things at once make your brain work too hard. Deep work lets you focus on one thing at a time, making it easier for your brain to process information.

Problem solving: Deep work is great for solving tough problems. Your brain uses its knowledge to find new solutions and think creatively when you’re in deep work mode.

Basically, deep work is like your brain’s super-efficient mode. It helps you focus, remember, learn, and solve problems easier. By understanding and harnessing the brain’s capacity for deep work, you can achieve higher levels of productivity and produce work of exceptional quality.

The Smarter Accountant way: building a deep work culture in accounting firms

In order for deep work to work in accounting firms, you must create a culture that encourages and supports deep work, fostering an environment where accountants can thrive and produce their best work.

The first thing to focus on is leadership buy-in because cultivating a deep work culture begins at the top. Leadership’s endorsement of deep work practices sends a powerful message throughout the organization. When leaders prioritize focused, high-quality work, it sets the tone for the entire firm.

Second, is defining deep work expectations by clearly outlining what deep work means within your accounting firm. Communicate the importance of undistracted focus, and provide guidelines on how and when deep work should take place. This clarity ensures that all employees are on the same page.

The third thing to focus on is providing dedicated deep work time and designating specific periods for deep work on the firm’s calendar. These intervals should be free from meetings, non-urgent communications, and other distractions. These time blocks need to be respected as sacred for focused, uninterrupted work.

Fourth, is providing training on the principles and benefits of deep work to both employees and management. Equip your team with techniques to overcome distractions and effectively engage in deep work. Offering resources such as noise-canceling headphones or dedicated quiet spaces can also enhance the deep work experience.

Fifth is to encourage flexibility.  Deep work doesn’t have to adhere to a rigid structure. Allow employees to choose the time and environment that suit their deep work preferences. 

Some may find early mornings or late evenings most conducive to focus, while others thrive during traditional work hours.  For me, my deepest work is early in the morning.  My brain doesn’t process numbers and data later in the day.

Sixth is recognizing and celebrating deep work achievements.  Acknowledge and celebrate instances where deep work leads to exceptional outcomes. This recognition reinforces the value of deep work within the firm and motivates employees to continue prioritizing it.

The seventh thing is to foster collaborative deep work.  While deep work is often associated with solitary work, collaborative deep work is also valuable. Encourage team members to engage in joint focused sessions, where they collectively tackle complex tasks. 

This not only enhances teamwork but also deepens the quality of their work.  But don’t force anyone to have to do collaborative deep work.  Make it available, but optional.  Some people, like me, work much better alone than others.

Eighth is to incorporate evaluating and adapting.  Periodically assess the effectiveness of the deep work culture. Solicit feedback from employees to understand what’s working and what could be improved. Flexibility is key – adjust strategies based on the evolving needs of the firm and its workforce.

And lastly, is leading by example.  Leaders and managers play a pivotal role in modeling deep work behavior. When your firm’s leaders prioritize deep work, employees are more likely to follow suit. This commitment from leadership fosters a culture of dedication and excellence.

The truth is that by fostering a deep work culture within accounting firms, you’re not only nurturing individual productivity but also creating an environment that amplifies the firm’s collective achievements. 

And since my mission is to teach smart accountants how to work smarter, if you’re interested in learning how to do deep work by learning the skill of managing your brain, you can simply go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com/calendar and book a free session with me.

I’ll explain The Smarter Accountant 6-week Program and how you can apply it to whatever you’re struggling with.

That’s what I have for you, but make sure you check back each week as I help you go from being a stressed accountant to a Smarter Accountant.

Make sure you go to www.thesmarteraccountant.com and take The Smarter Accountant Quiz. You’re going to want to know if you’ve been underutilizing your accountant brain so that you have a starting point for becoming a Smarter Accountant..

Also, I would appreciate it if you could get the word out to other accountants about this podcast.  The more accountants find out about it, the more we can begin to change the narrative in the accounting profession.

The truth is that you’re already smart, but this podcast will show you how to be smarter.